Recruit's Log, Part 1 - an Operation Hungry Walrus narrative

1st June - Finally a way out of this frozen hell! We are dispatched to New Hypatia. Never heard of it, but at least it has better weather and climate than Huangdi. First assignment off-planet!

2nd June - We are going to infiltrate the blockade disguised as longshoremens, all the gear hidden in standard containers. Hope we’ll find some moving appliance, those things weigh a lot!

5th June - we barely had a chance to settle in the warehouse and we suddenly got mobilized for a task. I’m not in the combat group, so I’m gonna stay here for garrison duties.

6th June - they go for the Oceanographic Data Center. High hopes!

6th June bis - they returned pretty beaten up, encountered Nomads heavy resistance. Why? They were allies in Durgama Peninsula less than a year ago. I don’t understand…

7th June - Shentang sent us Warcors for the cultural program. I don’t know why if panoceanians do this it is called “telling the truth of the war” and if we do this it becomes “propaganda”. High hopes for the comrades!

7h June bis - Warcors completed all the video shooting and interviews despite the presence of Aleph operatives. I agree with what a Pheasant once told me: Aleph is nice but nosy.

11th June - Another mobilitation, this time help is needed to put out the fires at Dock #619. I hope they leave me here, I’m not very confident with firemen gear.

12th June - Fine, Jujak are chosen. Lucky me.

12th June bis - Another aggression by the Nomads. Ours got beaten up, the emergency room is full, someone will go back home for surgeries.

14th - no more tasks for our force until we get better and recover. I’m using this time off for studying the situation and I learned a lot more about the other factions, the mercs and Brutus.

14th bis - as far as I could tell now, Nomads are operating as autonomous forces, so they have no obligations towards our alliance.


15th June - there’s no easy way to advance in a career as Troop of the Banner. Maybe I should learn combat hacking…

16th June - a lady in a red dress entered boss's office. I think is a whore. I didn’t know this was a privilege of theirs. Weird, he didn’t seem like the type of them who enjoys the company of escorts. I fell for him having a mysterious girlfriend.

16th June bis - false alarm, she was just a Tiāngŏu, the dress was just a mean to evade the blockade. She’s pretty, tho... I might introduce myself.

16th June ter - she’s pretty, she’s funny, she’s not into men. :(

17th June - Mercenaries, usually Beasthunters, occasionally join us. Apparently they were hired off-planet.

21st June - a new shipment of supplies and munitions came this morning. It took us all the day to unpack and store everything. My back hurts a little, but I won’t go to the ER for this.

21st June bis - new stuff means that our turn here is not coming to an end.

23th June - a truce has been signed between Brutus and O-12. Truces are boring. I’m not hoping for something bold to happen, but I find all of this pointless.


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