Humble Wars report

Humble Wars took place in Forlì (Italy) on 22 october. We were hosted by Torre Nera gaming club. It was a three-rounded tournament with 14 players. Reinforcements was the only extra allowed, with a pointage of 350.

Turn 1

Player A: Drop Bear

Faction: Yu Jing

Operation Point: 4 (Control Console x2 + Control Beacon + Classified Objective)

Victory Points: 74

MVP: Tiger Soldier Paramedic

Player B: Heletilla

Faction: Japanese Secessionist Army

Operation Points: 5 (Control Console x3 + Control Beacon + Classified Objective)

Victory Points: 269

MVP: O-Yoroi

Turn 2

Player A: Drop Bear

Faction: Yu Jing

Operation Point: 7 (Control more quadrants x2 + control same quadrants + console x2. I too had scored a Classified Objective, but I forgot to add that point)

Victory Points: 229

MVP: Dokkaebi

Player B: Bogardan

Faction: Military Orders

Operation Point: 3 (Control same number of quadrant x1 + console x2)

Victory Points: 242

MVP: Knight Hospitaller BSG

Turn 3

Player A: Drop Bear

Faction: Yu Jing

Operation Point: 7 (More main objectives + one main objective + secondary objective)

Victory Points: 309

MVP: Bixie

Player B: Italyadna

Faction: Tartary Army Corps

Operation Point: 0

Victory Points: 302

MVP: Ratnik AP Spitfire

The event was a lot of fun and I ended up fourth out of fourteen (third, actually, if I had counted points properly). My lists performed as expected but I'm looking forward to fix List 1 with at least an additonal big gun or similar TAG-deleting technology.

A special thank to VeryFastPanda and CrazyKoala, who shared the travel to the location with me, and IlCorinzio, WarCor and tournament organizer.


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