Cloak and Dagger - Operation Edgelord August match report

 Shooting at Porto Interplanètario

By Luca “DropBear” Girolami


  • Mission: Cloak and Dagger

  • Forces: Imperial Service versus Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor (300)

  • Deploy First: Imperial Service

  • First Turn: JCC


JCC Fireteams

Core: Wildcat HRL, Wildcat NCO Spitfire, Wildcat Hacker, Wildcat Combi LFT, Wildcat BSG

Haris: Evader Feuerbach, Jazz, Mobile Brigada


ISS Fireteams

Core: Celestial Guard Monitor, Celestial Guard Hacker, Deva Spitfire

Haris: Dakini MSR, Dakini HMG, Dakini Paramedic

Haris: Hsien HMG, ABH SMG, ABH BSG

ABH SMG rolled HMG on Booty Chart
ABH BSG rolled +4ARM on Booty Chart
MBH rolled +4ARM on Booty Chart


Going second with no Objective yet revealed, it was hard to plan my turn. I was pretty sure there were drop troops awaiting, so I deployed covering the sides of the table. I also kept Prone or out of harm any trooper I would have needed for future Objectives.

JCC deployed the Jaguars on opposite sides of the table, even the fireteams are deployed far from each other, it was a quite specular deployment. Counting on drop troops and the Moran near the table center, he was well setted for any Objective that would have been revealed.

Turn 1

Top of 1 - VeryFastPanda (JCC)

Objective revealed: Suspected Infiltration

WildCat HRL tries to kill Dakini MSR, but even if he had better odds it got critted and goes unconscious. Having Number 2, link is instantly reformed around Wildcat Spitfire. The now-three-man-Core (hacker is left behind outside the Fireteam) is moved forward. Wildcat Spitfire shoot and kill Dakini MSR outright.

Jaguar on the other side of the table is moved toward the centerline and drops smoke to block MBH’s line of sight.

Hellcat is dropped near the Deva, out of sight. Deva and Dakini fail to proximity Dodge, Kuang Shi dodged successfully to threaten Hellcat. 

Moving So, the Kuang Shi is in sight of WildCat Spitfire which unceremoniously dispose of him immediately. This opens the way for the Hellcat, which moves and kills Deva and Dakini Paramedic with his Boarding Shotgun (got erased by Deva's Nanopulser).

Tomcat is dropped behind Bounty Hunter Haris, one of them successfully dodged to face him. Tomcat then moves in contact with A Bounty Hunter to score Suspected Infiltration. It took him three attempts, while surviving ABH's SMG and Breaker Pistol's CC attack. 

JCC ends the turn moving Jaguar in cover and shooting Pitchers with Jazz (both succeeded and were placed near the center line)

Bottom of 1 - DropBear (ISS)

Nanoespionage is revealed. Having no Engineers or Doctors in the list and watching the only Paramedic crumbling in its corner, the Objective cannot be scored. ISS plan is to manage the board to get ready for the next turn.

Kuang Shi BSG runs into a safe corner during the Impetuous Phase. Another Kuang Shi, which suspectaly did nothing in the Impetuous Phase and has stealth, moves at the back of Tomcat and reveals himself to be a Kanren FO. Tomcat is killed via close combat.

Dakini HMG stands up and shoots WildCat Spitfire, but goes Unconscious in the process.

Hsien shot a Repeater while the Bounty Hunters moved forward toward the centerline. Haris is then broken, ABH BSG hides in cover and ABH SMG moves on again. Booty gave ABH SMG an HMG which is used to shoot at Evader Feuerbach. Against all odds, Evader is outright killed. ABH ends the turn shooting a repeater and sitting in cover for ARO duty. MBH is moved in cover.

Turn 2

Top of 2 - VeryFastPanda (JCC)

Industrial Espionage is revealed.

With literally no AROs on that side of the table, WildCat Core can now be freely moved around. On the other side of the table, Jaguar tried to smoke on ABH SMG, but failed (it was a long hurl). A short throw is used instead and Jaguar can be moved again to place another smoke on Motorized Bounty Hunter. This time Jaguar succeeded. Being cut off from the fire lane, MBH left ABH HMG alone for ARO duty. WildCat Spitfire made short work of her while pushing even further into the enemy deployment zone. In the ensuing orders, all three WildCat became Targeted by Celestial Guard HAcker's Spotlight ("Spotlit"? "Spotlighted"? "Spotted"?), Celestial Guard Monitor got killed and Industrial Espionage is scored on the poor unconscious Dakini (on the second attempt).

Bottom of 2 - DropBear (ISS)

HVT: Espionage is revealed. 

Motorized Bounty Hunter moves forward,  trying to dodge to gain a better position to threaten a Jaguar, but fails. Ninja appears beside the HVT and moves forward (thrice) towards the enemy HVT. He succeeded at HVT: Espionage at the second attempt.

Celestial Guard Hacker runs for dear life, fleeing from the WildCat-infested area.

Having no more orders to spend, O-12 Prestige is used to let Ninja go back into Camouflage.

Turn 3

Top of 3 - VeryFastPanda(JCC)

HVT: Designation is revealed.

Moran jumps down from his perch and moves in sight of enemy HVT. He then scores HVT: Designation with two successful Forward Observer rolls (one per order).

WildCat BSG moves deeper in the deployment zone and kills the Celestial Guard. WildCat Spitfire scored the Secret Objective (Unmask the Enemy) at the third attempt. Moran retreated while dropping a CrazyKoala in the corner of the central building. With the last orders, WildCat Hacker and Jaguar each tried to Discover the Ninja. They both failed.

Bottom of 3 - DropBear (ISS)

Vigilance is revealed.

Hsien goes toward Jaguar. One small building separates them, but luckily Vigilance can be scored in ZoC. Hsien succeeded at the second attempt.

Moran is in the proximity an an HVT, negating Secure HVT, so killing him became a priority. Garuda landed nearby (beyond the hacking area) and tried to kill Moran. It failed and got bricked in the process by Jazz (because he had to shoot inside the 8” with its BSG).

MBH runs towards Moran, successfully dodges the CrazyKoala but got critted by Jaguar's Pistol along the way. Having rolled a +4 ARM on the Booty table, she decided to be not worried by puny pistol and use O-12 Prestige to reach Moran and shoot with SMG. Moran lives and MBH ran out of orders. 

Now is Hsien's time to shine. He moved toward the Moran, taking one wound from Jaguar's Pistol (another Critical). He finally put the enemy unconscious with Nanopulser, but got downed as well by Moran's BSG.
The hidden Beepers (for the Secret Mission “Temptation with Consequence”) got each one an enemy trooper in their ZoC: a Moran and a Jaguar.

Post Game Analysis

JCC has scored all three Classified Objectives, achieved them in the turn they were revealed and completed the Secret Objective. This makes 9 Operation Points and 188 Victory Points. WildCat Spitfire is appointed MVP.

ISS has scored two Classified Objectives, one of them achieved in the turn it was revealed. The missing was switched with Secure HVT. Secret Objective was completed as well. ISS killed more Specialists (Evader, Moran Tomcat). This make 10 Operation Points and 108 Victory Points. Ninja is appointed MVP.

ISS came out on top. It was a close match, played to the last order. My opponent was great, but couldn't stand how lucky I was: achievable Objectives, easy Secret Objectives and a few roll that went my way against all odds.

A non-Comprehensive list of rolls that could have been easily determined a tie or my loss:

- ABH killed Evader in one order

- Garuda succeeded in its Combat Jump

- Dakini MSR critted WildCat HRL

- all the failed attempts of my opponent's to achieve Objectives.

Moreover, it feels bad to win while the opponent has managed the main part of the mission (scoring objectives in the turn they were revealed) much better than me.

All in all, a great match against a great player. 


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