Bidding Wars report - Operation Edgelord September Match Report



  • Mission: Bidding Wars

  • Forces: Imperial Service versus Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor (300)

  • Deploy First: Imperial Service

  • First Turn: JCC


JCC Fireteams

Core: Wildcat HRL, Wildcat NCO Spitfire, Wildcat Hacker, Wildcat Engineer, Wildcat BSG

Digger rolle +2 ARM on Booty Chart


ISS Fireteams

Core: Celestial Guard Monitor, Kuang Shi x4

Haris: Crane Spitfire, Zhaniying Hacker, Wu Ming BSG TinBot

Haris: Bào MSR, Pheasant Red Fury, ABH Sniper

ABH Sniper rolled HMG on Booty Chart
Digger rolled Multi Sniper Rifle on Booty Chart


Biddings: zero in the left side Server, three in right side Server, three in top Server (JCC side), two in middle Server, two in bottom one (ISS side).

Turn 1

Top of 1 - VeryFastPanda (JCC)

Two orders are stripped from Group 1 via Command Token. Digger is moved forward in Impetuous phase. EVO hacker blessed Reaktion Zond with Marksmanship. The TR bot then kills easily the Authorized Bounty Hunter (who was deployed too far from the Haris leader, hence lacking the burst bonus). Digger is moved forward: toward the centerline at first, then inside a building to penetrate the opponent's deployment zone. Digger then moves in to attack the Kuang Shi Core: two Chain Rifle templates sent two Kuang Shi Dogged and Bào Unconscious. Digger is sent Unconscious in the process. Wildcat link gets an Order and HRL is moved to engage the Hùsòng (TR bot). The Wildcat is critted to Unconscious. Hellcat landed on the right border, near the Dakini MSR. Hellcat attack a Dakini, but SURPRISE! It was just an Holoecho! He moves in contact with the next Dakini, but it was a copy as well. The original one reveals himself as a Kanren FO who ultimately failing a proximity dodge. Hellcat move to shoot Kanren with Combi Rifle but loses by Kanren's Flash Pulse. Hellcat is then moved in cover. Billie is moved till the server and here deploys a mine. Both Jaguar and Mobile Brigada are moved forward and left in cover to see the next turn.

Bottom of 1 - DropBear (ISS)

Digger goes forward in Impetuous Phase. She then moves towards the Unconscious Digger and put him out of his misery (Predator counts 1 out of 2). Kanren is moved towards the Hellcat, which is got unalived via Monofilament CCW. Predator is scored. With remaining order, the haris (Crane, Wu Ming and Zhaniying) and the core (Monitor and two Kuang Shi) are moved forward and left in cover.

Turn 2

Top of 2 - VeryFastPanda (JCC)

Wildcat Core jumps down (with the exception of the Engineer, stolidly loyal to the Reaktion Zond) and is moved towards the side server. Here the hacker extracts three BitCreds. The Hacker and the Spitfire retreats back into the Deployment Zone, while the BSG Wildcat is moved towards enemy troops. The links is broken and a Repeater is deployed to threaten the Haris. Wildcat BSG is then moved to face the Zhaniying, dying in the process but sending the Agents Unconscious. Wildcat hacker moves further back and tries to Oblivion the Crane and the Wu Ming, succeeded in one order each. Moran is retreated and deploys a CrazyKoala near the nearest Server. Billy is moved behind the Server, deploying another mine. Jaguar is moved forward.

Bottom of 2 - DropBear (ISS)

Digger is moved forward during Impetuous phase to tank the CrazyKoala. Once battle-ravaged she went back in the safety od the cover. Ninja FO, deployed in Hidden Deployment next the central Server, moves in contact with the objective. He take the two BitCreds and run in the deployment zone, stopping near the Pheasant Agent. With the remaining order, Kanren is moved toward the nearest Server.

Turn 3

Top of 3 - VeryFastPanda(JCC)

EVO hacker is moved to the nearest server and extracts three BitCreds. Jaguar moves in the building of the left side. Various proximity Dodge are failed and passed by near Kuang Shis and TRbot, but nothing really mattered. Nothing stopped Jaguar to smoke her way to the objective: to kill Ninja and Pheasant. She succeeded easily in one single order, but got downed by a Kuang Shi's Chain Rifle. BitCreds are dropped. Mobile Brigada run towards the building and climb on top. Here he shoots Unconscious the TRbot and hide in a corner, going into Suppressive Fire.

Bottom of 3 - DropBear (ISS)

ISS is in Loss of Lieutenant. Digger runs forward during Impetuous Phase, Jaguar Dodges in sight. Digger tries a desperate Speculative Fire with Grenades on EVO hacker (carrying three BitCreds).She fails and got unalived by Jaguar's template. A Kuang Shi use his order and a converted one to take the BitCreds dropped by Ninja.

Post Game Analysis

JCC gathered and secured six BitCreds (but no Predator, the Secret Objective). This makes 6 Operation Points and 216 Victory Points. Jaguar is appointed MVP.

ISS gathered two BitCreds and scored Predator (not-so-Secret Objective). This makes 3 Operation Points and 127 Victory Points. Digger is appointed MVP.

Another loss for ISS. All due mainly from my mistakes:
- conservative bidding: not commit too much in the close server to avoid being wiped from the table turn 1.

- ABH outside coherency
- trusting in TinBot: Crane was Oblivioned in one Order. Same for Wu Ming.
- miscalculating how many Orders would have taken a Jaguar to enter my deployment and single-handedly win the game.

For the rest, as usual, a hard fought game against a great player.


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