Xenoform Containment - Operation Edgelord October match report

 In space no one can hear you crit

By Luca “DropBear” Girolami


  • Mission: Xenoform Containment

  • Forces: Imperial Service versus Shasvastii Expeditionary Force (300)

  • Deploy First: Imperial Service

  • First Turn: SEF

SEF list code:

ISS list code:

ISS Fireteams

Core: Celestial Guard Monitor, Kuang Shi x3, Crane

Haris: Hsien MMR, Xi Zhuang, Zhanying Hacker

Haris: Sforza, ABH Sniper x2

ABH Sniper rolled DA CCW on Booty Chart
ABH Sniper rolled Light Flamethrower on Booty Chart


ISS deployed very conservatively to face the Speculo threat. The minimum distance between team members was observed as well since a Noctifer ML is expected.

Turn 1

Top of 1 - VeryFastPanda (SEF)

Group one is stripped of two orders by the use of a Command Token.

Taighas are moved forward during the Impetuous phase. One of them reached the center of the table and dodged twice the Xenoform template. It ended in contact with the left Console. Speculo moves, Kuang Shi tries a Discover, but gets shot and dies. Speculo then shoots the ABH, which passes all ARM saves and goes prone. A Command Token is spent to perform a Coordinated order involving a Camo marker on the right side (Shrouded MSR), an Ikadron, Sheskiin and the Q-drone. They moved forward twice. Sheskiin moves forward and engages an ABH, taking a wound. Sheskiin goes on and enters the 16" from the ABH. This time the rolls were even. Third time's a charm: Sheskiin moves again and kills the ABH with a critical roll. It's Sheskiin's time to shine: she moves again and shoots Xi Zhuang from a distance. The poor guy dies (horribly) and SEF scores Celebrity Deathmatch (Global Objective). The other ABH dodges to stand. Sheskiin falls back and shoots ABH, which fails her BS attack but passes her armor. A Noctifer appears and turns the ABH into fine dust. Speculo gets back into Impersonation. A Taigha on the left side is moved forward toward the center line.

Bottom of 1 - DropBear (ISS)

Hsien moves back and forth, consolidating his position and getting the chance to shoot Sheskiin with his MMR. Sheskiin goes Unconscious. Ninja reveals himself near the nearest Console, trying a WIP roll on the Taigha. The roll succeeded and Data Scan is scored. Crane and her core are pushed forward. A Taigha is fragged in the process. After a number of inconclusive Face to Face rolls, Crane successfully scraps the R-Drone. Miranda is moved prone enough to see Sheskiin. But, guess what? It was Sforza (all along!). Burst 3 Viral Rifle put Sheskiin out of her misery. ISS scores Celebrity Deathmatch (Global Objective). Sforza dies to a Shrouded MSR in the process.

SEF controls more zones, so it scores 2 points.

Turn 2

Top of 2 - VeryFastPanda (SEF)

Taighas moves forward. The Taigha on the right moves and berserk the Pheasant, which employs his BSG. Both died. Q-Drone shoots a Kuang Shi, who dodges in a safe position. A taigha moves forward and tries to discover the ninja, failing. Taigha on the left run forward and manages to kill a Celestial Guard and two Kuang Shis. Speculo falls back and stops near the HVT. Here she scores Net Undermine. Q-Drone moves to see the ninja and Discover the ninja. Taigha moves in to kill the ninja with Chain-Colt, but the target successfully dodges.

Bottom of 2 - DropBear (ISS)

Crane moves forward and shoots down the Q-Drone. Another order is spent to move toward the Cage. One step into the enemy half of the table is enough to score Net Undermine, but Crane takes one damage from Xenoform template. Taigha dodges at every ARO toward Ninja. Crane tries to kill Taigha, but ultimately fails.

SEF controls more zones, so it scores 2 points.

Turn 3

Top of 3 - VeryFastPanda(SEF)

Taigha berserks Ninja. Unsurprisingly both ends Unconscious. SEF scores Predator. A Camo is moved at the back of the Crane and reveals itself to be a Caliban CoC. It shoots the Crane in the back with the SMG. The Agent passes all saves and lives. Shrouded MSR jumps over a roof and shoots the Crane. The Agent dies. Caliban Engineer is moved toward the left Console. An attempt to repair the Q-Drone via Slave Drone results in a failure. Caliban , Shrouded, a Seed Soldier and the Speculo are coordinated to move toward the center of the table.

Bottom of 3 - DropBear (ISS)

Hsien, Zhanying and Kuang Shi are coordinated to move toward the Consoles. Thrice. Only one Console have been reached.

SEF controls more zones, so it scores 2 points.

Post Game Analysis

SEF controlled more Zones in all three turns, controlled more Consoles at the end of the game scored Celebrity Deathmatch (Global Objective) and both Classified Objectives (Net Undermine and Predator). This makes 10 Operation Points and 192 Victory Points. Shrouded MSR is appointed MVP.

ISS scored Celebrity Deathmatch (Global Objective) and both Classified Objective (Data Scan and Net Undermine). This makes 3 Operation Points and 83 Victory Points. Crane Agent is appointed MVP.

Nothing to see here: Shasvastii has all it needs to bring on the plan to victory. Shasvastii rule, Forward Deployment and Marker States are all useful in this mission. ISS, especially with a “narrative” list, is unable to come back from setbacks and mistakes (which I did).

All in all, a great game against a great opponent as usual.


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