The Return of the Humble report
The Humble Strikes Back took place in Forlì (Italy) on 28th April. We were hosted by Torre Nera gaming club and, as the name implies, it is the final event of the Humble Trilogy (the previous ones were reported here and here). It was a three-rounded tournament with 12 players. Mission were The Armory, Power Pack and Highly Classified with two Extras: Reinforcements and Mercenary Contractors.
Match 1 - The Armory
Player A: DropBear
Faction: Invincible Army
Operation Point: 4
Victory Points: 175
Lieutenant Roll: won the roll, chose to go first
MVP: Bixie
Player B: Heletilla
Faction: Jurisditional Command of Bakunin
Operation Point: 5
Victory Points: 69
Lieutenant Roll: lost the roll, kept deployment
MVP: Marspider
Match 2 - Power Pack
Player A: DropBear
Faction: Invincible Army
Operation Point: 8
Victory Points: 279
Lieutenant Roll: won the roll, chose to deploy second
MVP: Shang Ji HRL
Player B: Merovingian Pope
Faction: Force de Rèponse Rapide Merovengienne
Operation Point: 1
Victory Points: 78
Lieutenant Roll: lost the roll, chose to go first
MVP: Moblot AP Spitfire
Match 3 - Highly Classified
Player A: DropBear
Faction: Invincible Army
Operation Point: 5
Victory Points: 110
Lieutenant Roll: lost the roll, chose to deploy second
MVP: Zuyong HMG
Player B: VeryFastPanda
Faction: Nomads
Operation Point: 9
Victory Points: 132
Lieutenant Roll: won the roll, choose to go first
MVP: Gator
I ended up seventh out of twelve, a result that I find quite disappointing. I chose to go out of my comfort zone and play a Pain Train, which performed greatly, but not good enough to take the Armory. Last match was tougher and I think I wouldn't be able to win that one way or another.
The extras stretched the match length and I felt two hours per turn weren't enough to give each list player equal chances to compete.
All in all a good event. Thanks to all the player and IlCorinzio, tournament organizer and Warcor. A special thanks to VeryFastPanda, CrazyKoala, UncleLeng and FatChance who shared the travel with me.
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